Yesterday I was stumbling upon this video(hopefully some italian folks will read this) and I decided to take the main concept to write something about it.

Why Deifluencing?

In the video, Irina (the girl) talks about things we don't need and how influencers create problems for literally non-existing problems. This is the basis of marketing and, also, she speaks from the pov of a minimalist. That is not to imply her pov is not right, I feel like she was real in calling out brands for what I would like to say it's an exaggeration of a trend. I'm going to discuss it on a wider level, taking into consideration something that seems obvious but, in the end, is tends to be forgotten by a lot of people.

First of all, influencers do what they do for MONEY. The trends where they organise their houses in a compulsive way or whatever product they sponsor as "mind-blowing" are actually very mild products with a huge amount of marketing behind. Marketing tackles our complexes, our soft-spots for anything that interests us.